Tech Center 1600 Biotechnology and Organic Chemistry
1662 Ex Parte Li et al 13013139 - (D) FLAX 101/112(1) POTTER ANDERSON & CORROON LLP KOVALENKO, MYKOLA V
Tech Center 1700 Chemical & Materials Engineering
1788 Ex Parte Masue 13393053 - (D) SNAY 102/103 OLIFF PLC LE, HOA T
Tech Center 2400 Networking, Multiplexing, Cable, and Security
2465 Ex Parte Sivakumar et al 11063284 - (D) CURCURI 103 Ballard Spahr LLP HOUSHMAND, HOOMAN
2468 Ex Parte MA et al 13730325 - (D) MOORE 103 NIXON & VANDERHYE, P,C /Vonage ANSARI, NAJEEBUDDIN
Tech Center 2600 Communications
Tech Center 3700 Mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing, and Products & Design
3764 Ex Parte Masters 13223504 - (D) PER CURIAM 103 Levenfeld Pearlstein, LLC (Hollister Incorporated) DEICHL, JENNIFER M
Tech Center 3600 Transportation, Construction, Electronic Commerce, Agriculture, National Security, and License & Review
3622 Ex Parte YANG 12714642 - (D) WIEDER 112(2) 112(2)/102/103 Law Office of Jim Boice BEKERMAN, MICHAEL
Tech Center 3700 Mechanical Engineering, Manufacturing, and Products & Design
3717 Ex Parte Loose et al 12077681 - (D) GUIJT 103 112(1) NIXON PEABODY LLP HU, KANG
3763 Ex Parte Aasmul 12673847 - (D) HOELTER 103 103 NIXON & VANDERHYE, PC VU, QUYNH-NHU HOANG
Tech Center 1600 Biotechnology and Organic Chemistry
1634 Ex Parte Chettier et al 13364378 - (D) GRIMES 112(2) 101/112(2)/102/103 Schramm-Personal-ACT KAPUSHOC, STEPHEN THOMAS
A prior art reference that enables a single embodiment within the scope of a claim anticipates that claim, even if the same embodiment would not enable the full scope of the later-claimed invention. Cf In re Lukach, 442 F.2d 967, 970 ( CCPA 1971) (" [T]he description of a single embodiment of broadly described subject matter constitutes a description of the invention for anticipation purposes ... , whereas the same information in a specification might not alone be enough to provide a description of that invention for purposes of adequate disclosure.").
Lukach, In re, 442 F.2d 967, 169 USPQ 795 (CCPA 1971) 211.05 , 2152.02(b) , 2163 , 2163.05
Tech Center 1700 Chemical & Materials Engineering
1762 Ex Parte Rajaiah et al 12939399 - (D) TIMM 103/double patenting THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY YOON, TAE H
1793 Ex Parte Kim et al 12452934 - (D) DENNETT 112(1)/103 Parker Highlander PLLC YOO, HONG THI
Tech Center 2100 Computer Architecture and Software
2138 Ex Parte Hamilton et al 13494382 - (D) DIXON 103 Kennedy Lenart Spraggins LLP LENOVO COMPANY (LENOVO-KLS) KROFCHECK, MICHAEL C
Tech Center 2600 Communications
2614 Ex Parte Eames et al 13072217 - (D) SZPONDOWSKI 103 YEE & ASSOCIATES, P.C. ZALALEE, SULTANA MARCIA
2641 Ex Parte HUANG et al 12829981 - (D) SAADAT 102/103 41.50 102 Slater Matsil, LLP MAGLOIRE, VLADIMIR
2693 Ex Parte CHANG 12822828 - (D) KENNY 112(2)/103 WPAT, PC WANG, QUAN ZHEN
Tech Center 2800 Semiconductors, Electrical and Optical Systems and Components
2844 Ex Parte Chobot 12968789 - (D) OWENS 102/103 MYERS BIGEL & SIBLEY, PA PHAM, THAI N
2871 Ex Parte Jeong 12314640 - (D) TIMM 103 MORGAN LEWIS & BOCKIUS LLP (WA) NGUYEN, THANH NHAN P
Tech Center 2600 Communications
2616 Ex Parte Hunt et al 13311420 - (D) DANG 102/103 Pangrle Patent, Brand & Design Law, P.C. LENOVO/P ANGRLE GUO, XILIN