PTAB.US: Decisions of PTAB Patent Trial and Appeal Board

Wednesday, June 25, 2014


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Tech Center 1700 Chemical & Materials Engineering
1729 Ex Parte Lebzelter et al 12187056 - (D) COLAIANNI 112(1)/112(2) GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION MILLER IP GROUP, PLC MARKS, JACOB B

Tech Center 2800 Semiconductors, Electrical and Optical Systems and Components
2847 Ex Parte McAllister et al 11234884 - (D) OWENS 102/103 CANTOR COLBURN LLP-IBM POUGHKEEPSIE SAWYER, STEVEN T

Tech Center 1700 Chemical & Materials Engineering
1761 Ex Parte Cui 12356462 - (D) DERRICK 102/103 EASTMAN CHEMICAL COMPANY MRUK, BRIAN P

Tech Center 2100 Computer Architecture and Software
2159 Ex Parte Stokes et al 11695370 - (D) POTHIER 103 MARGER JOHNSON & MCCOLLOM, P.C. SINGH, AMRESH

Tech Center 2400 Networking, Multiplexing, Cable, and Security
2442 Ex Parte Jung et al 10882119 - (D) WINSOR 112(2)/103 Constellation Law Group, PLLC SURVILLO, OLEG

2442 Ex Parte Jung et al 10900147 - (D) SHIANG 112(1)/112(2) 112(2)/103 Constellation Law Group, PLLC SURVILLO, OLEG

Tech Center 2800 Semiconductors, Electrical and Optical Systems and Components
2896 Ex Parte Skipor et al 11770939 - (D) TORCZON 103 QD VISION, INC. SUCH, MATTHEW W

Tech Center 3600 Transportation, Construction, Electronic Commerce, Agriculture, National Security, and License & Review
3692 Ex Parte Hammour et al 10406010 - (D) CRAWFORD 112(1)/112(2)/102/103 101/112(2)/103 37 C.F.R. § 41.50(b) 101 PETER K. TRZYNA, ESQ. LOFTUS, ANN E

In response to an indefiniteness rejection, the “satisfactory response by the applicant can take the form of a modification of the language identified as unclear, a separate definition of the unclear language, or, in an appropriate case, a persuasive explanation for the record of why the language at issue is not actually unclear.” In re Packard, 2013-1204, 2014 WL 1775996, at *3 (Fed. Cir. May 6, 2014).


Tech Center 2600 Communications
2614 SKYPE TECHNOLOGIES, SA and SKYPE, INC. Requester v. EIDOS COMMUNICATIONS, LLC Patent Owner Ex Parte 7,221,745 et al 10/868,819 95001895 - (D) SIU 102/103 MCKENNA LONG & ALDRIDGE LLP Third Party Requester: Schwegman, Lundberg & Woessner/ Reexams NGUYEN, MINH DIEU T ORIGINAL GAUTHIER, GERALD

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